
Whatever moves ya

I know.

Exercise during pregnancy is important. For you. For baby. For husband (due to increased feel-better hormones).

I've read studies, my little app reminds me on a weekly bases, and I've even sat through scientific presentations about it when I was at McGill (although it needs to be notes that the jury is still out on how much and which kind is best, but I'll spare you the details).

So, yes. I know. Exercise = good.
I also know that pregnancy can be exhausting. Up until about 3 weeks ago, I just couldn't do it. Heck, I nearly gave myself a gold sticker every time I crawled into bed at the end of the evening. I could barely make dinner, never mind go for a walk.

Then about 3 weeks ago I started to feel a bit better, which was excellent timing because that's when I started working (God's cool like that). I found myself with more energy, but also with more energy-using obligations on my plate. I started going for extra walks once every few days. I even bought a prenatal yoga video. Emphasis on the bought, not used.

I would whine to Tom that I sucked as a mom already. Could I really say "I did my best"? I felt like a was failing. I knew all the benefits.

Then one morning, 10 day ago, my Little App told me something that changed my life....

Are you having trouble getting enough exercise in during the week while pregnant? Then be sure to reward yourself when you do get it in! Figure out what moves ya, and be sure to follow through. For example, maybe a pedicure for meeting your goal of exercising for 5 days/week. External motivators can really help!

External motivators? I never thought of that... Gifts are one of my love languages, I'll have you know. (You can call me shallow, or honest. Your choice.)

So that night, when we went to bed, I let Tom read the app blurb. This is how it went from there:

T: Alright, for every hour of exercise you do, we'll put $ toward anything you want.

C (who was originally thinking scoring a pedicure or maybe new runners would be awesome): Anything?

T: Anything.

Well, I don't know what I'd want. You let me have pretty much anything I can make a good case for...

T: Yup, but this doesn't have to be anything justifiable. You've told me that I need to help out with getting you to do more exercise. So here it is: It could be anything. Soemething completely fun. Something you'd love, but we just couldn't justify.... Maybe you'd be interested in exchanging your iTouch for an iPhone?

C: Squuueeeeek!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

T: I'll give you $5/hour.

C: Huh? DUDE, I'm your wife. I'm carrying your unborn child. And you're going to lowball me with $5/hour? That's not even minimum wage!

T: Take it or leave it.

C: ....

T: If you get exercising, you might be able to buy a used one by Christmas. If you want a new one, well, you should be able to get it before the baby's born...

C: Sold!!!


C: Hey, wait. This means you'll get my iTouch doens't it?

T: Yuppers!!!

C: Well, you can 'buy' it off me. $3 for every hour of exercise you do.

T: $3????? WHAT?

C: Well, there's only one of you and it isn't as expensive. Take it or leave it.


Well, that sure got me going!!! I'm happy to report that I now have $40 towards my prize. Yes, that means I've only missed 1 of the past 9 days!


Pamela said...

*squeal!* An iphone?! What a great motivator...I am secretly longing for one! This summer I got a Mac (it had been on my wish list forever!) and Conrad got the free ipod touch and he loves it. My daughter bought herself an ipod touch last January and I think all the fun she was having with it is what convince Conrad to get me the MAC because of the deal for the ipod touch. The iphone would just be gravy-seriously! Good luck as you work towards your goal!

Candice said...

Thanks for the support, Pam! I was a little worried about telling anyone about this... An iPhone just seems so unjustified! But I guess that's sort of the point. A real prize.

Ange said...

That's awesome! I know I'm not pregnant, but some days it's all I can do to go exercise. Wonder if Jeff would give me the same deal? That is so cool! I'm excited for you!!!

Tiffany said...

That's awesome! Nothing like a little marital bargaining to keep things interesting.

You guys are such a cute couple. :)

Tiffany said...


Sonya said...

Ha ha ha! You're hilarious Candice!

Heather said...

Forget the iphone, someone promise me a donut and I'm in. he he