
the post in which I confess I use homemade deodorant

I've found myself doing some pretty crunchy things lately. Aside from the obvious (cloth diapering), we've come to be a paper-towel free household, I no longer use shampoo or condition in my hair, and... well, a few other things that maybe I'm just not yet to share about. lol 

Time and time again I'm floored by the fact that the 'crunchy' (read: old school) way of doing things FAR OUTWEIGH the nowadays 'normal' way of doing things. A great example: Stain removers. There's all sorts of chemical crap for sale to spray, pretreat, soak, or whathaveyou a stain on a cloth item. But did you know that exposing stains to the sun has a much better (and cheaper, and better for the environment, and yadda yadda) effect? Seriously, wet the stain, lay in sunlight and voila! Gone. Some real stubborn stains will need to be re-wet a few times and super stubborn stains may need to be wetted with lemon juice. And now I realize why so many detergents have a name or a picture to do with the sun. Because all our grandparents know this wisdom and connect the sun to stain-fighting power. But I digress. 

My latest crunchy project? Homemade deodorant. Yes. You read that right. Even Tom, who is pretty used to my antics by now, gave me an odd look for this one. 

Coconut oil (oh goodness, the things coconut oil can do!), baking soda, and arrowroot powder. Ratio of 1:1:1. Even *I* was skeptical, because although I dig all things good for the environment and good for my wallet, I demand that they still work just as well, if not better. 

But I seriously can't say enough good things about this homemade concoction for a deodorant. (I know, that sounds nuts). But SERIOUSLY, it freakin' works!!! And works much, much better than regular deodorants. And you aren't putting chemical crap on your pits everyday. And it's cheaper. I especially love that Tom's now using it (it took him a while to give it a try, but I wanted to test it on a really stinky subject to see if it could cut it) and it WORKS! I love it so much more than the regular stuff because our clothes (especially Tom's) doesn't stink like deodorant. You know what I'm talking about, the shirt-sniff test that ends in more laundry because it smells like pit stick. 

Seriously; coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot poweder in a 1:1:1 

You will be amazed. 

1 comment:

Sonya said...

That's pretty crunchy - lol!