
A boy and his bear

Jonathan has a teddy bear. His name is... wait for it... Teddy. The guy used to be soft, fuzzy, and white. He's more of a grey tone now, and a bit stinky. Ew, I know.  He *needs* a wash.

On a flight home from Christmas, Teddy went tragically missing when a suitcase was misplaced at the airport. We learned a lesson - a backup Teddy was purchased.

You see though... Backup Teddy is, well, soft, fuzzy, and white. Truth be told, he could never pass for 'Teddy'. Jonathan brings Teddy with him everywhere; grocery shopping, car rides, and especially naps and nighttime.

So tell me, oh wise internet, when do I wrangle this thing into the wash? Can teddies go into the drier? He's made the trip before ('surface wash only' my ear when he was covered in puke). Should I throw Backup Teddy in with it to start the wear-processing so one day he could pass as Teddy if needed?

1 comment:

ypom said...

Due to necessary circumstances, ie, strep throat, chicken pox, stomach flu etc - I discovered that most stuffed toys can be washed but do not always survive the dryer - the fur gets all matted and sometimes even melts!! once it is washed (gentle cycle, Purex baby soft or Woolite)pop it in the dryer for about 10 minutes -then hang to dry by the ears - matching teddies, blankets all get equal wash time as the clean twin never meets the hug test. Our kids loved to watch teddy go round and round in the washer and dryer but were not very patient about the hanging dry time. Some young boys who shall remain nameless have taken a slightly damp "BooBoo" or "Super Bear" to bed with them...