
"Yes, we accept this 'mission'!!"

Now that the plans are being finalized and agreements made, now that the primary stakeholders (aka moms and dads) have been notified and situation assessed; we are ready to share. I doubt if the following will come as a surprise, but it is exciting non the less (to us, at least :)

We are going as missionaries to Costa Rica for a week shy of 7 months.

We are leaving the first week of November.

This is for real.

Yes, we are returning to our beloved town of Tuis, Costa Rica. A place we fell in love with at the end of our visit last summer; a place that has been tugging at our heart strings since we've left. When we propo
sed a 6-month visit to serve the community and surrounding area, the mission organization (Voz Que Clama) reciprocated our enthusiasm about such an arrangement and we've been making plans ever since.

Among a span of opportunities to serve while there, they have asked Tom to focus on adapting farm equipment for the residents with physical disabilities, and to run a men's bible study from our home. They have requested that I aim to balance resources allocated to the rural indigenous communities while optimizing diets of the residents living at the facility; additionally, I have been asked to run a women's pre-natal nutrition class within the community of Tuis. Both Tom and I will be highly involved in researching for, planning, and initial management of the farm (if not underway by the time we arrive).

As you can imagine, many challenges lay ahead of us. Operating in a foreign land, culture, and language will place significant strain on any relationship, including ours. The length of the trip requires us to indeed *live* in the community, not grim-and-bare situations until 'we can get out of here!' The trip will be nothing short of financially impossible because we will not be earning any income during our stay, but will be required to pay for all accommodations, flights, Spanish lessons, transportation, food, supplies, etc. We fully believe the good Lord will provide and we will be able to do this. We are unwilling to get hung up on money.

Please, join us in prayer for direction, strength, and patience. Please ask for adequate preparation before going, that my schooling will be completed in a timely manner, Tom's employer will have understanding, and we will be able to handle the stress of leaving Montreal (potentially for good), traveling to a new land without income, and having no place of our own to return to in Canada.

The year that lies ahead of us will be challenging, but we feel very blessed to be faced with these challenges and know we have a good people that will have our backs.


Tiffany said...

wow, you guys are amazing - and brave! Don't worry, if you have the will, there will be a way.

Keep us posted!

Pamela said...

How exciting! May God richly bless you as you plan and prepare for this journey. It must be a relief to know what you will be doing in the fall. For the first time in 5 years I don't know what my plans will be and it is unnerving.

Ange said...

Wow, what an exciting time for you guys! I pray that everything will come together for you. God does provide.

Sonya said...

I am excited for you guys! What a great, fun yet scary opportunity. You are so generous with your time and resources. Remember this verse when the task at hand seems impossbible - "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength". Phil 3:14. My all time favorite verse. Keeping your focus on Him through all of this should make the road a little more clear when the task at hand seems difficult. God bless!

Candice said...

Thank you all for your support! We'll need it more and more from here on in.

These comments are very encouraging to me, I know I will be returning to read them in times ahead.

Just so you know...
I am currently working on a new blog site dedicated to Costa Rica stuff. I don't want to bombard readers of this blog with stuff they will probably get sick of hearing about, but I do want a place where supporters can go and keep updated. I'll probably have it private (you'll have to e-mail to be on the 'list'), because I'm planning on posting financial matters over there to remain transparent. I"ll let you know when it's 'ready'

Trevor said...

I have been hoping and praying that something like this would work out for you two. If you don't watch it, you might wind up staying there for a long time!

Candice said...

Thank you for the support Trevor! And yeah, who knows what the Lord has in store for our future. Who knows!