
Does this ever happen to you?

Have you ever dealt with an organization or business in which you had to inquire information from and while doing so you hit major communication barriers with the person on the other end of the phone? And, upon struggling to explain what you mean, you're put you on hold so they can clarify something with someone and, upon return, still don't understand, so then frustration sets in they escalate the call to their manager with whom, sadly, this process takes place all over again and then all of a sudden you are on the phone with the boss of the company who thinks you are some sort of an ogre-client giving their employees a hard time when really you have a simple question?!?!


This has happened to me twice this past week with the same organization. I sure when they see my number on the company's call display they are like "It's her again." I'm not usually a cranky person, really! When the boss-man picked up the call he was like "Yes, Candice, what can I help you with this afternoon?"

Just me, then???

1 comment:

Q&L said...

Yes, Quinn has had this issue on a number of occassions with our bank, who we believe out-sources their call centre to india. While I'm sure they are lovely people and glad they're employed, there is definitely a language barrier. The last call he eventually asked for a manager and he was transferred to a lady who first language was English, making the transaction a whole lot quicker. (I'm usually in the background smirking while listening to Quinn's side of the conversation lol :)