

On Friday we went to the hospital for our second scheduled non stress test (NST), with our hospital bags packed; we were told that if anything abnormal were to show up on the fetal strip, I'd be induced. However, according to the monitors, our little man is still doing well (praise God!)!! Interestingly though, our doctor moved our next test from Wednesday to this coming Monday. We are to return to the hospital first thing Monday morning for another NST and to check the amniotic fluid level. She told us that if it is less than 5, I'll be induced, so bring be prepared with all of our stuff again. If it's higher than 5, it may be enough to make it until spontaneous delivery occurs (although we'll probably be checking everything again on Wednesday) but I must be vigilant in monitoring fetal movement everyday.

Although it fills me with such joy to hear that our baby boy is still doing well, I must say it is very roller-coaster-ish emotionally looking to detect 'fetal distress' and hearing that it's a possibility to be 'induced today', reminded to be vigilant on paying attention to fetal movements, and taking our hospital bags in and out of the car...

I know that pretty much all women at this stage of pregnancy start to get a little anxious as to when their baby will arrive, but this has been a bit stressful! I can't help but feel that we're waiting for something to go wrong... But I sure don't want to start introducing interventions (such as an induction) needlessly...

I've been trying to stay occupied with readings and craft projects, going for walks with Tom, blogging more, and resting when I can (not easy to do when you're restless!).

Can you help a girl out?!? What did you do to stay sane during the last few weeks of a pregnancy?


Sonya said...

That's a stressful situation! I know I was always very concerned about lack of movement at the end of my pregnancies (and throughout for that matter).
How to stay sane? Hmmm...I'm not sure. With Dillon I was put on bed rest for the last few weeks. TV and the computer were my friend. I emailed friends a lot.
Hang in there!

Patkau Life said...

When I was pregnant I didn't like it sooo as soon as 37 weeks rolled around I did everything I could to try to get this kid to come. I knew it was early but what else was I going to do. I also knew that if I did have her she would be fine that early. It helped alot. I sat on my excersise ball all the time, walked a lot, stretched alot. cleaned, and ate , I cooked different foods that I have never cooked before, preferably spicy ones...lol.

That is just what I did cause I hate being pregnant.

Hope everything goes well, don't be to scared of induction...I was induced and would have had a natural birth except that she had her cord wrapped around her neck three times. Had her crowning. soo yeah it can work.

Good luck and God bless.

Pamela said...

I've been thinking about you as you wait to greet your son. I don't have any advice about playing the waiting game because my kids were all super early. I would suggest journaling your thoughts right now...before long you won't have as much time to ;)

Tiffany said...

I was kind of like Vanessa. Being pregnant drove me nuts, and once I hit the 37 week mark I was nutser (bad word, I know) still.

I walked a lot, I did the exercise ball thing too. Sit on it and bounce. It's supposed to help baby descend. However, I think the baby won't come until he's truly ready anyway - it just helped me feel like I was doing something!

You know what you should do? You should try and plan little things every couple of days - but plan them a day or two in advance so that you've got something to look forward to. I think we always clear our calendars to get ready, and then when nothing happens day after day we get more frustrated. Plan a trip to your favorite ice-cream shop for tomorrow (sorry, i had mine in the summer), put a trip to the movie theatre on your calendar for the day after that, go to a museum the day after that (plus you'd get some walking in!). That way, you'll almost find yourself okay with not going into labour, because you've still got things to do!

Hopefully everything continues to be okay for your little bean. It'll be nice if he just decides to come on his own instead of waiting for the docs to prod him out of there.

Good luck!

Q&L said...

Still scrapbooking? if so, get a ton of pages prepped as much as you can b4 pics arrive.