

Chocoholic: referring to an addiction to chocolate (wikipedia)

: a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful (Websters dictionary)

So, it's official. If there is a definition for it in Wikipedia, then you know it's true. It's a condition. I am a chocoholic. I eat it when I'm happy, I eat it when I'm sad. When I'm nervous. When I'm excited. When I celebrate. When I mourn. At times it isn't even about the marvelous taste (because there *is** such thing as junky chocolate), I'm pretty sure it's really just psychological at times.

I'll admit it. I ate 4/5 a box of truffles over the last 3 days. "That's not that bad", you say? I've also devoured half a box of Hagelslag chocolate sprinkles (What can I say? I'm Dutch!) Oh, you are not familiar with chocolate sprinkles? They are stored in a beautiful box of goodness, designed to be "sprinkled" over freshly melted butter on slightly toasted bread. The warm bread melts the chocolate, just a little, then the melty goodness happenings complete themselves in your mouth upon each bite. (After typing this I'm gonna have to go eat another...)

Yesterday, I ate 5 slices of bread with this ooy gooy goodness 'spinkled' ('poured' is probably a better word to use here, or maybe 'drenched'?) on top. Yes, this is in addition to the truffle fiesta that I've had going on.

These chocoholic phases come and go. I hope it "go"es soon, or I will be adding a wieght loss ticker to my blog too.

Does anyone out there have a cure? Beleive me, these happening are not the cute "oh I just loooove *enter cliche item here,* I'm addicted to it." No people, I've been known to get a bit scary during cravings when there is no chocolate in sight.

"Physiological symptoms upon withdrawal...
substance known by the user to be harmful."


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Those truffles were suppose to be for Tom.

Anonymous said...

Heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
I try to use it on my clients...you should come down sometime!