

Yup, we've been bloggin' for a year. Those of you who read this (and actually enjoy it) should thank Lyla. A year ago I caved. I've never had the desire to get into the whole Facebook-online-community type stuff, but I caved when she made the argument that it would help us stay in touch with those back in Manitoba.

And, here we are.
Keeping in touch!

I've heard a few people say they enjoy it, and to be quite honest I really enjoy it too. I've also heard that I'm silly for doing it (then why do you keep reading it?)

I highly recommend starting a blog of your own. I'd love to hear more about you! Some people blog anonymously, giving themselves and the people in their stories made-up names. Some people hang it all out there. I think we belong in the latter category. But no matter how we do it, we all start out very awkwardly, taking days to compose our first few posts and even longer to get the guts to post them. Honestly though, it's a good time, but I'll warn you, it's a bit addictive.

(Click here to start your own.)

If your interested, here are my first words of personal exposure, and the second ones are some of my favorites.


Anonymous said...

I just checked... We posted 170 blog posts over the past year!

Anonymous said...

Keep on writing, writing, writing and writing.....:)

Anonymous said...

Just watched the "won't you be my neighbour" post... that's one great prayer, talk about shouting to the world! None of us are surprised that Tom duplicated the effect... what does your living room look like? I would love to see Christmas at your house!!