
Even if you don't love the man, you got to love the marketing.

Politics is probably the last place I should take this blog. But I just gotta tell you about Obama's "American Stories, American Solutions" 30min ad campaign I just finished watching. (Why I found myself watching this is another story.)
Wow - like I said, even if you don't care for the guy (or what he stands for), you do really have to applaud his marketing department.

So, if you have (more than) a few minutes, and what to hear one (heck of a bias, totally appealing-to-the-motions, very well executed, tear-jerking) side of the story - then check this out.

But if you do, have a Kleenex handy.

Click here to watch it on YouTube.

(Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement, I just think the marketing is fantastic.)


Q&L said...

I didn't watch it. But apparently the Democrats have record endorsements/donations this campaign. They have millions and millions of dollars and can obviously afford to hire the best.

Q&L said...

Apparently CNN refused to play it, they didn't want to appear biased to one party (the Republicans do not have a 30min Ad campaign). Even tho CNN is 'marginally' more Republican than Democratic in their reporting. Glad I don't have to vote in that country.