
Blogtober. Oh my.

Thanks to Tiffany for the reminder... Oiy. I completely forgot!

So here's the deal: I'm either going to blog everyday (either here or our missions blog - hey, my blog(s), my rules) or I think it's time to pack this blog in.

Yeah, I know, extreme. But seriously? This blog has only been a source of guilt lately. No joy. At all. So I think it's time to come back to it, or to chop it. No more guilt. Life's too short.

So here's to a month of slapped-together posts in order to keep this puppy alive!

**NOTE: This was written ahead of time and schedule to be posted yesterday, October 1st. So I haven't entirely failed at Blogtober yet, just still getting familiar with the new interface. 

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Much better!

Don't chop it. Chopping is bad!