
It's not where you live, it's where your home is.

Seriously, I can't believe we are leaving this apartment! I love this apartment!! Tell me, why are we leaving this apartment?!?

Oh yeah...Because we don't need this apartment.

Oh number 31, how fantastic you have been! You were our first apartment together, our new place in a new city. When we arrive we were so pleased to meet you, so eager to dress you up and make you our own. We built a nest, made you cozy and comfortable. We have introduced you to some of the most important people in our lives - you welcomed them too, and offered a great place to stay. Oh number 31, how I am going to miss you....

Oh number 35, how excited I am for you to be officially ours! We gaze down the hall at you, trying to picture how it will be like. You will be our second apartment together, a new place in our city. We have met you a few times now, and are getting more fond of you by the day. We will built a nest, make you cozy and comfortable. We are excited for you to meet some of the most important poeple in our lives - we will welcome them together. You will help us remember that where we live is not our home; home is where we truly live, and that is with each other.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

So true, home is definitely a feeling, not a building. I was pretty sad to leave our house in Winnipeg, especially since we did so much personalizing in there, but as long as I can have my kids and hubby with me it'll be alright!