
To Our Friends and Family

As you can imagine, its a bit of work for one man to clean the apartment, cook meals, get groceries, maintain the car, do the banking, care for an ill wife and drive her all around the city for doctors' appointments, run all the errands including returning library books and dropping off doctor's notes, get the sicko out of the apartment (but putting up with whining about being motion sick in the car), distribute pills, put her to bed when she's exhausted, get her up when its time to take more pills, entertain her whenever she is awake to avoid hearing "I'm bored" all the while trying to get enough rest to do this all again tomorrow and hold down a full time job.


My mother flew into town this past Tuesday to help relieve some of this pressure. And did she ever. She cooked, she cleaned, she did the laundry, she drove me to appointments, she entertained me... She took this stress off of Tom. It was so great to have her here. Getting out of the house and being up-and-about throughout most the weekdays felt so good. And, it was such a reminder that even though we are all the way out here in Montreal, we still have so many people who love us dearly.

On that note, even though only a few of them read our blog, we want to give a huge thank you to all of our friends, families, and church families who have been so thoughtful, supportive, and helpful through this time. The calls, e-mails, cards, flowers, prayers, love, and kind words we have received from all of you has touched our hearts and I know it has changed my life. We have come to realize that we are not living alone on an island here in Montreal (no pun intended), but we have the love and support of more people now than ever before. I just don't know how else to express that.

We love all of you, thank you for helping us in this time of need.

And Mama; even though you're gone back home, we are still enjoying your home-made soup in our clean kitchen and clean underwear. :)


Q&L said...

Your mama is so wonderful...God bless her!

Sandra Knight said...

have not checked in for a bit, but if you noticed my blog there is an invitation for sunday night, could i interest you?



Tiffany said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. It's no fun being sick, especially for so long!

Candice said...

I'm getting better...slowly...but I'm getting better!