I need a little help.
I've been forced into duty in the kitchen, by circumstances beyond my control. My wife has been sick for a few weeks, and we've got to eat. This is a short list of a few things I've learned that may help you... I'd love to hear about anything you know that may help me.
1. Pizza is not supposed to be cut with scissors. (But it works so well!)
2. Chicken, left to thaw in the microwave, will cause an odour in less than two days.
3. This, apparently, is not the correct way to serve your sick wife a hot dog:

[It seemed fine to me!]
Chicken thawing for weeks on end? Not so good!
Here's the deal - it's not the ability to do wonders in the kitchen that impresses us, it's that you want to! Not that having food taste good (and be free of salmonella) isn't the desired result.
Do you want a slackers way out that'll still be good and she'll be impressed that you did something?
Go to the local supermarket and buy one of those little frozen lasagnas. Then, jazz up the meal a little bit with a salad (if you can't figure that out you could buy that too lol) and grab one of those garlic loaves from the bakery. Adding a couple yummy drinks like black cherry sodas or something would be a good idea. Mmm. It's all in the detail. All of a sudden the cheating lasagna has turned into a real meal with sides! Pretty exciting. You want real brownie points, light a few candles and end it all with a chocolate sundae!
I can't believe no one has mentioned how awful my snack looked! For the record though, I did eat it.
I am well aware and love the fact that he served it this way with good intentions. But I couldn't help but laugh with what he showed up with!
If your cooking for your wife, like Tiffany said she'll appreciate anything that's edible. Another note...your wife is ukranian..perogies - easiest thing (if you can find them there). Quinn's specialty, baked potatoes...slice them in half, put butter in the middle, wrap in tinfoil, bake for 45mins to 1hr (375 degrees). Serve with chicken breasts, which you can also bake with bbq sauce on top or teriyaki sauce?? Anything really. For easy vegetables - baby carrots, boil til cooked but slightly firm still. Add 2 tbsp honey and dill weed. Stir. Done. YUM. I don't know why you need help Tom, when you were here, you did fine...I remember the stories from Candice...ooohhh yeah, its all coming back to me...you're experimental...it can add badly.
One more idea. Little pitas make great pizzas(whole wheat preferably), put on pizza sauce and toppings, bake at 375, 400. Ta da! So good. just some ideas...take care and eat well.
The presentation of Tom's efforts with the tube steak, did not serve the appetite well. My suggestion for hotdogs, serve on a plate, either in a bun or slice hotdog diagonally (like they do with sausage), serve with macaroni and cheese (good color). Maybe a salad on the side (as per Tiffany). again, just an idea.
In my husband's defense, he does a fantastic job in the kitchen, but lately he has had to put up with some weird requests (such as "the only thing I could stomach right now is a hot dog - without the bun." So, if that's all you have to work with...
Sounds like I should challenge Quinn to an Iron Chef battle! :)
Steven could iron-chef battle you! He's actually REALLY good in the kitchen. Cannelloni is one of his specialties, as well as chicken parmigiana, oven roasted potatoes (he's got this wacky recipe, lots of spices), etc. Mmmm, I love not cooking!
Cool! Is that the "Lean Cuisine" chicken parmigiana or the "President's Choice" brand?
Oh no, that's the chicken breast, grated cheese, tomato sauce, etc. brand!
The mini pizzas were awesome, thanks Lyla!
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