Jay also often had tummy trouble. He'd moan and groan through the night, and only slept well if he was laying on someone or on his tummy. (GASP! Tummy sleeping!??!) Jay was also full of it. Mucous, that is.
I did some reading of my own and realized Jay may have a milk allergy. I halfheartedly removed milk and milk products from my diet. Then one day I indulged (ice cream and a latte, tisk tisk!). The next had Jay was soooo cranky and had terrible bowel movements with blood spots. I then realized how serious this may be. So I've cut out all dairy from my diet. All.
People, that hasn't been easy!
Think: No milk, no cheese (GASP!), no butter, no cream, no butter milk, no cream cheese, no chocolate (GASP!), no modified milk ingredients (and they are in everything!), no cream of ____ (fill in the blank)... The list just goes on!
But Jay's skin cleared up within a week of my diet change, his mucous went away, his BMs have been the proper colour and consistency (most the time) and there hasn't been any blood spots. Tough? Yes. But definitely worth it.
Without thinking, one night we opted for Tom to use one of the (about 40ish) bags of pumped milk I had in the freezer to feed the baby. The next day, Jay was super ill to his stomach. A few terribly dirty diapers later we realized what the problem was: The pumped milk was from pre-diet change.
Can you imagine my disappointment!?!
- We messed with his little guts again and
Thankfully I was able to donate it to a family that was in great need of it. I was super bummed we no longer had a 'just in case' freezer stash, but happy it didn't go to waste. (Liters and liters of pumped milk down the drain would have brought me to tears!)
If all goes well, he may out grow this by 1 or 2 years old. (It is my prayer that he WILL outgrow this!!!) Until then, we'll need to be diligent in label reading and ensuring no one innocently gives him milk and cookies because he has the best chance of avoiding long term allergies if it's completely removed from his diet for the next year or so.
Yeah, like that will be a piece of (dairy-free) cake!