
Free travel? I'm in!!

Alternatively titled: My husband rocks.

As Tom becomes more of a senior man at work, they've been bugging him to start travelling to clients' sites. He hasn't obliged. He's not keen on being away from us. This past week when asked to take a coming trip (because the usual travel guys are on holidays), he plainly answered "Not without my wife and son."

Well, guess who all's got plane tickets!!??!


Tiffany said...

ooh, spoiled girl! JK

Seriously, that's awesome! Sometimes I think that I should have gotten a job that would require me to spend a month in a hotel somewhere, with an expense card. Oh wait, but I'd go by myself. :)

Where are you going?

Sonya said...


Candice said...

We're in a suburb of Detroit. Not exactly a location that was on my 'must-see' list, lol, but we're having a lot of fun so I'm not complaining!!