
6 Diet Myths That Will Not Die

I love this list my friend Candice Comtois (a Registered Dietitian) published in her latest newsletter she writes for her community. I can only imagine how hard it was to limit the list to only a few and not go on and on about why they're untrue!


1. Carbohydrates (or sugars) are fattening—limit them

No matter what food group you choose, if you cut out or reduce the items from that group, you will reduce your calorie intake and lose weight.

2. Food eaten after 7 or 8 pm cause weight gain

It makes no difference what time you eat. What matters is how many calories come in versus how many calories go out – period. The equation is not affected by the time of day.

3. Eating _________(insert newest trend) will make you gain weight

No one particular food causes weight gain. Eating more calories than what you burn is the only way weight gain occurs – regardless of what you eat.

4. Snacking will make you fat

Snacking will not make you fat. Again, the total amount of calories matters but it is best to eat a minimum of 3 times day.

5. Drinking water helps to “flush fat” out of your body
Water has no real impact on weight loss, although it is important to overall health. Drinking ice-cold water also does not increase calorie burn.

6. Muscle will turn to fat if you stop exercising
Muscle can not turn to fat. It is not physiologically possible.

BOTTOM LINE: When it comes to weight regulation the law of matter and energy prevail. So include a balanced diet to get the nutrients you need.


quinnandlyla said...

that's very to the point, good job Candice C.!!

Tiffany said...

I agree! Great list. I think that these diet trends aught to be more specific. I know that for me, eating after 8 adds weight. But it's not the time of day, it's because it's after 8 that the chips and chocolate come out. Bananas? Probably wouldn't have the same effect!

You know what else I hate? This thing against bananas lately. Seriously. It's a BANANA!! Bananas aren't going to chunk you up. I suppose it's because a banana has calories in it. Big surprise. Why is it okay to eat a 100 calorie snack pack of cookies, but a 100 calorie piece of fruit is a dietary no-no? It annoys me.

Calories in, calories out. It's so simple. Of course, you're way better off if you put good calories in. I could eat 1500 chip and pop calories a day and nothing else, and lose weight, but I don't imagine my health would be any better for it.

I always figure that we should eat the way we make our kids eat. I sneak chocolates, I give the kids fruit topped with yogurt. Go figure.

jat said...


did you see this article (just in time for the new years purge!) what do you think?