Obsessive Cloth Diapering, that is!!
I explained in this post how I was excited to try cloth, and I'm happy to report that I really am enjoying it! I'm not die-hard though, we do use disposables for overnight (the absorbancy is unbeatable!) and while visiting family (I can't bring myself to ask to put *that* in someone else' washing machine!), but during the day at home or out on short trips we opt for cloth, for longer-haul outings we go with the gDipaer system with biodegradable/disposible liners.
There are pros and cons to each type (gDiapers vs Flips! vs pocket diapers vs all-in-ones vs pre-folds, etc) and the cloth diapering world is unbelievably huge! So far my favorites are definitely the gDiapers with disposable inserts for outings and the Flip! system with microfiber inserts while at home.
Has is been a pain at all? Surprisingly, not really! At the beginning we struggled with leaks, but as my baby's bottom grew into them a bit better (and we learned how to put them on properly ;) it hasn't been an issue. The extra laundry to wash the diapers is barely noticed considering how much laundry babies create anyway, and I've even been so crunchy as to hang the diapers and liners to dry in the sunshine (not only save on drying cost but also to bust out stubborn stains).
I'm proud to report that I haven't paid full price for any of it either. Most everything has been pre-owned, some it is pre-used, but all of it steeply discounted. The problem? It's quite addicting!! I love hunting for bargains, bidding, bartering... This is where the 'OCDing' really comes in. I've come so many new styles and patterns I'd just love to try...
Yay for making diapering fun, cute, and cost-effective!
Hey did you "change" the baby's picture too??
Used a different one of the 618 of him in this pose from that day ;) lol!
Actually, this was my first attempt at working with Photoshop! (Yay for now having Photoshop!!) As you can see I rally added some pizazz by cropping and feathering the edges. Amazing. I know.
tim noticed the photoshopping right away :) me, all I see is sweet babyJ
ps - time to add a family photo on your new expanded sidebar!
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