
Still. Moving. In...Zzzzz

Garg! It takes a lot to move.

We've almost finished collecting our stuff from the numerous households that so graciously stored it for us over the past year (even though the original deal was to store it for only 6 months ;)

We didn't loose too much to mould... But the things that we did were, ewwww, ever so mouldy. EEWW.

Sometimes when I unpack a box you think to myself 'Why did I bother keeping this?' but then proceed to find somewhere to store it in the new place. Go figure.

I tire easily. Which means the moving and unpacking can only happen in bouts. And when I tire? Boy howdy! I have about a 5 minute grace period before falling off a cliff into exhaustion. We'll be in the middle of Costco and I'll look at Tom and say, 'Wow. Honey? I'm getting tired...' He knows that's the cue to high-tail it home before things get ugly. Anyone else out there get spells of exhaustion during pregnancy? All the cute little preggo books tell me that all that goes away in the second trimester.... Well, I'm still waiting. And taking a nap while I'm at it.

And for those of you who care to hear about my pregnancy woes, I haven't puked in a week! BOOYA!


Tiffany said...

I hear ya!! I was exhausted during my pregnancy, especially in my first trimester. And it dragged into my second.

It's not like a "I studied all night and I'm tired" kind of exhaustion either, being pregnant is a whole different ball game. I do not miss it.

I used to hold out until after lunch and then crash in a big way. There were so many days I'd put Mitchell to bed, make the kids grab their blankets and put on a movie after lunch so that I could nap on the couch. Imagine the lagging housework!

Elliot is 2 months now, and I finally feel like I'm starting to get my energy back.

Nothing cures pregnancy better than actually having the baby!

Q&L said...

poo, sorry to hear that, i can't relate :l The second tri was way better and then i only started getting tired again in the last month. i thinks its time to post some preggo pics :)