
Sign Post

Living in Montreal has given us some insight into how to communicate effectively with people who may not speak the same language as you do. How do you get around a language barrier? Maybe try some visual communication methods. That's right... Signs! I've placed some examples below.

Sign #1: No Superman's Allowed.

Obviously, Superman is the only real person capable of running so fast that he appears to be in three places at once. We first found this one at the Fairview bus terminus. Somebody put in a lot of effort, and came up with a pretty silly looking sign.

Sign #2: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Any questions? Too bad!

Sign #3: You are in the big city now, kid!

Highway 20 meets Highway 15 meets Highway 720. Look at all the crazy overpasses and underpasses! I love it!

Sign #4: That the big city needs some big work done.

Overpasses collapsing? In Montreal? No way! (Sarcasm.) Look at all the crumbling concrete... I think the drainpipe is *actually* holding up the overpass.

Sign #5: Our car is probably too old to drive on these streets, anyway.

Oh "Road Runner", oh "Old Gray", you've certainly done us well.

Sign #6: This one needs no explanation, I think.

This one cracks us up, every time.

Sign #7: They *really* mean it.

These signs are on 6 or 7 sign posts in a row, down the street in front of our church. Honestly, who invested a bunch of their own time, went to Dorval City Hall, convinced the council that there were too many dogs pooping on the street, and that a sign should be made an posted to put and end to this outrage?

[PS: As an added bonus, here's a little "Where's Waldo?" for you... Can you find two more signs in the picture above that don't make much sense in Montreal? I'll post the answer as a comment in a couple of days...]

Sign #8: This post is over.



great week

Anonymous said...

[Guilt trip warning!] C'mon everybody! It's been 18 hours! Where are the comments? Candice posts, and (literally!) a minute later Tiffany has already commented... Beginning to think this may be a case of "If you don't have anything nice to say"...

Anonymous said...

I think it's smart.

Tiffany said...

Um guys, this post is really really old! You seriously need to post a bunch again. None of the blogs I read are current right now! I'm going insane! I check them 80 times a day!