
He's 2

Interests: He loves all things rockets, dinosaurs, and trains.

Favorite food: Sushi (relax, we only give him vegetarian sushi). He loves it so much he carries around a sushi menu just to gaze at and drool on. I'm not kidding.

Favorite past times: Playing with his train set and lego, doing puzzles, making you make things ouf of play dough, hanging our in his auntie-made fort, clearing out the tupperware cabinet and climbing inside to hide.

Favorite stuffed animals: Dino and Teddy. There is no sleeping without them both.

Favorite show: Mommy is pretty stingy with the screen time, but when it's a special occasion she'll YouTube a rocket launch and it just mesmerizes him. Everything from the announcer going through all the pre-launch data, the count down and the blast off, to the announcer checking off Machs and altitudes... It's all so captivating to JayJay.

He is sensitive and caring with a great sense of humour. He is an observer-then-doer, meticulous, and thoughtful. He is very smart, but hasn't yet harnessed that to be bad. If he is around people he doesn't know, he appears to be a quiet kid... But once he relaxes, it becomes clear why we call him Parrot.

Happy 2nd birthday Jonathan! You will always be my baby. 



Sonya said...

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Red said...

Happy Birthday my sweetie pie. Lots of love from Baba xooxoxox