
Not in Kansas, part II

If you've missed Part I, read it here.

  • You find a cat lounging on the shelf in the store... And he is in no way startled when you pick up the item next to him.
  • When you buy candy, it must be weighed at the candy section, receive a sticker for the price, and then you can proceed to the till. The same process occurs when you buy a pre-packaged and sealed bag of candy; it must be weighed, and receive a price sticker (Why must they weigh a bad that states 450g??? Why don't they price them before hand?)
  • In the middle of the day, when sitting on your couch, you may hear a random tuba rocking to Ricky Martin, as a rooster crows and a dog howls.. All at the same time.
  • To the question of "Do I bring an umbrella?" The answer is always yes.
  • Shopping involves English, Spanish, and charades.
  • Lawns are mowed with a weed wacker... Or a goat.
  • Oranges grow on trees.
  • Real lemons cannot be found. Anywhere.
  • While writing a post about not being in Kanses, a cockroach runs across the living room floor.
  • Sigh.
  • Christmas festivities include a two-man donkey, men dressed up in old lady outfits, and Christmas carols that are based off of "Noel Noel", in English, which of course is from French, but in Spanish.
  • While you are studying at the dinning room table in your house, a bat flies by your head.
  • Seriously, while sitting IN your house.
  • You have a house with a wall decoratively missing, so you can see the great outdoors... And the great outdoors can be attracted to, and apparently join, the bugs that are free to fly in and hang around your lights bulbs.
  • You've experienced 3 earth-trembles in less than 3 months.
  • Garbage bags are sold in "Lemon Scent"... Because a hint of lemon will make all that nasty garbage odor disappear (?)
  • When you look out your window, onto your lawn, there may be a horse on it. And you don't know who's it is.
  • There is no such thing as house numbers. Or street addresses. Which can make receiving mail a little tricky.

More than likely to be continued...

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Lol. Sounds like a great time! ;)

Although I've asked my sister-in-law where in Costa Rica she's headed, she still has no idea. I'll have to let you know once she gets a bit more info.