

We sadly yet excitedly moved the last of our stuff out of our home. Before the weekend we sent out an e-mail plea for moving help, and a crew of people showed up! One word: Wow.

Although now homeless, we are far from lacking a place to stay. People are so generous! Not only with a room to crash, but with dinner on the table! Never before have we had so many dinner invites that we could actually accept! This whole 'no (absolutely obligatory, grades depend on it) university work' is great! Although I am lacking motivation to keep working on my project to try and mold it for publication. It just seems so daunting! And I'm soooo not up for another daunting task right now.

But, in a nutshell, last week as a huge week for us. Finished the degree, moved out of our apartment. This Tuesday is so drastically different than last Tuesday. And this will probably be the case for a few Tuesdays to come.


Q&L said...

I guess that would be bittersweet. Change has been a blessing for me the last week.
I should blog about it ;)

Candice said...

Oh yeah, you're matting now!!